Rhodesia and South Africa: Military History

Book Reviews

Only books on Rhodesia or South Africa are reviewed in this section. Authors or publishers who would like to have a book reviewed on this website, please contact the webmaster for the address to which a review copy can be sent.

Fireforce, by Chris Cocks (new hardback edition)
Service Before Self, by M. Radford on the History, Badges and Insignia of the Security Forces of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, 1890-1980.
The Great Betrayal, by Ian Smith cover photo and review.
Update on sales of The Great Betrayal in South Africa, by Prof. J.R.T. Wood
Press Conference held by Ian Smith in Holland to launch his book (Complete text, plus photos) Brummen, Holland, 21 April, 1997.
One Commando, by Dick Gledhill

They Live by the Sword (Breytenbach)
Nine Days of War (Stiff)
War Diaries of Andre Dennison (Wood)
Challenge (Al Venter)
South Africa's Border War 1966-1989 (Steenkamp)
The War for Africa (Bridgland)
Flags and Symbols of Rhodesia 1890-1980, by R. Allport
The Mighty Nimrod (Life of F.C. Selous)
The Great War in Africa (Farwell)

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