SOUTH AFRICA'S BORDER WAR 1966-1989 by Willem Steenkamp, large-format 1st edition hardback,
256pp, 515 photographs.
A magnificent fully illustrated book, which for the first time gives a full account of the fighting on South Africa's borders from beginning to end. The South African equivalent of the Rhodesian book "CONTACT".
Price: 70 Euros.
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FIREFORCE, One Man's War in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, by Chris Cocks, Hardback, 2nd ed, 1997, 306pp, 38 colour photos, many b/w photos, chapter illustrations, map. New appendices and Roll of Honour. One of the best books ever written on the Rhodesian bush war!
Price: 45 Euros
CHALLENGE ed. by Al J. Venter, hardback, 600pp, 200 photographs.
The definitive book on the military and political situation in Southern Africa up to 1989, with contributions on Rhodesia by Ron Reid-Daly and J.R.T. Wood.
Price: 40 Euros
THE WAR DIARIES OF ANDRE DENNISON ed. by J.R.T. Wood, hardback, 400pp, 142 photographs. An account of the Rhodesian bush war, based on the diaries of one of the most forceful of the Rhodesian Fireforce commanders.
Price: 60 Euros
WAR IN ANGOLA, THE FINAL S. AFRICAN PHASE by H.R. Heitman, hardback, 350pp, 32 pages of photographs. A highly-detailed account of the S. African campaign in Angola in 1987/88, in which the SADF fought its first tank battles since WWII, and defeated the combined Angolan, Cuban and Russian forces.
Price: 50 Euros.
THE WAR FOR AFRICA by Fred Bridgland. hardback, 403pp, many colour & b/w photographs. An account of South Africa's last operation in Angola, as told by the men who did the fighting. One of the best accounts of the war in Angola, by the author of "Savimbi, A Key to Africa".
Price: 70 Euros.
SOUTH AFRICAN WAR MACHINE by H.R. Heitman, large-format hardback, 192pp, illustrated. A well-illustrated account of the armed forces and elite units of South Africa.
Price: 25 Euros
HOSTAGE by Glen Dixon & Anthony Mockler, hardback, 190pp. The war in Angola and the captivity of Glen Dixon, taken hostage by Unita and forced to march across country to S. Africa.
Price: 20 Euros
A HISTORY OF COMMUNISM IN SOUTH AFRICA by Henry Pike, hardback, 601pp, over 400 b/w photographs. The definitive study of communists in South Africa and their attempts to overthrow the government.The true facts on the SACP, ANC, PAC and other subversive organisations.
Price: 40 Euros
DELVILLE WOOD by Ian Uys, hardback, 310pp, numerous b/w photographs. The most authoritative account of the famous battle for Delville Wood by the S.A. Infantry in WWI, described by the London Times as the most bitterly contested battle of the war.
Price: 25 Euros
ROLLCALL: THE DELVILLE WOOD STORY by Ian Uys, hardback, (1991) 302pp, numerous photographs. Further extensive research by the author on this battle, with the roll of honour of 4,000 men who took part in it.
Price: 25 Euros
Hardback, 1st UK edition, 1997, 418pp, ill.
Price: 45 Euros
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The following books are used copies:
Hb, 480pp, b/w photos, published in Salisbury 1974 1st, fine. Biography of Ian Smith. Scarce.
Price: 50 Euros
THE QUIET MAN by Phillippa Berlyn, hardback, 256pp,
with b/w photos. Collins, Salisbury 1978. A biography of the Hon.
Ian Douglas Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia. VG, with vg d/w, inscription on fp.
Price: 50 Euros
ARMED CONFLICT IN SOUTHERN AFRICA by Michael Morris, hardback, 371pp, Cape Town 1974. Following the success of his book "Terrorism", Morris wrote this large and comprehensive study of warfare in Southern Africa, covering all the Portuguese territories, Rhodesia and SWA. Scarce book. VG in VG d/w. Price: 40 Euros
INSIDE THE ANC, The Evolution of a Terrorist Organisation, by Morgan Norval, hardback, 263pp, b/w photographs, charts. The history and background of this subversive organisation and its armed struggle against the South African Government.
Price: 30 Euros
THE WELENSKY PAPERS by J.R.T. Wood, hardback, 1330pp,
55 b/w photographs. A huge volume, giving the full history of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1953-1963, based on Sir Roy Welensky's private papers.
Price: 50 Euros
NINE DAYS OF WAR by Peter Stiff revised edition. Large-format softback, 304pp, 16pp b/w photographs. The full account of the incursion by 1600 SWAPO fighters, with the help of the UN, into SWA/Namibia in April 1989, and their defeat at the hands of the SWATF and SADF forces.This edition takes the story up to the independence of Namibia.
Price: 35 Euros
Collector's Item
MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS Original Rhodesian editon. Govt.
pamphlet of 1978, illustrated with atrocity photos, 40pp, mint condition.
Price: 10 Euros
Hb, 533pp, ill. The war and negotiations re SWA/Angola, Cuban and SADF involvement.
Price 45 Euros
LIKE THE WIND, THE STORY OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN ARMY, by S. Stander, Large-format Hb, 144pp, colour and b/w photos, incl. insignia. RSA 1985. Emphasis on recent years.
Price: 25 Euros
Hb, mint, 513pp, b/w photos, Edinburgh 1986. Savimbi and the war for Angola.
Price: 35 Euros
THE SOLDIERS by Willem Steenkamp,
Large-format Hb, 144pp, RSA 1978. Pictorial - great military leaders of SA.
Price: 20 Euros
PRIDE OF EAGLES, The Definitive History of the Rhodesian Air Force, 1920-1980 by Beryl Salt. 1st edition hardback, 1001pp, illustrated with photos and maps. Large and very heavy book! The most detailed history of the Rhodesian Air Force ever written and comprising more than 30 years of research!
Price: 150 Euros
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Large format hardback, 1st edition 1985, 176 pages, fully illustrated in b/w and colour on almost every page. A rare book as it was withdrawn shortly after publication when the authors (Peter Stiff and Ron Reid-Daly) became involved in a court case to decide authorship and copyright issues. Good condition with d/w.
Price: 150 Euros
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PAMWE CHETE: THE LEGEND OF THE SELOUS SCOUTS by Ron Reid-Daly, 2001 quality softback edition, 593pp with photos, maps and charts. The history of one of the world's most daring, ruthless and imaginative counter-insurgency units.
Price: 80 Euros
THE REGIMENT: A HISTORY AND THE UNIFORMS OF THE BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA POLICE by Richard Hamley. Large-format softback, Covos-Day edition 2000, 134pp with numerous full colour illustrations.
Price: 75 Euros
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