Rhodesia and South Africa: Military History

Maintained by Richard Allport

"I am the Old Ghost of the Shangani Patrol
And the last bullet will be mine..."

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Rhodesian Military History

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Rhodesia: History

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Rhodesia: Backgrounders

Online Books
Online Books

Insignia, Medals and Flags

Inconvenient History
Updated September 2020

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Set completed in 2017:
Rhodesiana, volumes 37, 38, 39 and 40.
The posting of these 4 issues up to number 40 completes the full set of Rhodesiana.


FLAGS, ARMS & SYMBOLS OF RHODESIA 1890-1980 by Richard Allport


Added: List of Rhodesian and South African war books for sale. These titles are the remaining stock of the former online bookseller ALLPORT BOOKS. The books are located in Germany.

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South Africa: History

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Updated December, 2012


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Added: Rivonia Unmasked by Lauritz Strydom, an account of the Rivonia sabotage trial in Online Books section.

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Book Reviews